Our Sunday Morning Worship Service begins at 9:15am and 11:00am. Sunday School Classes for adults and
children meet at 9:15-10:45 am. Our Worship Service has both contemporary and traditional songs
with a Praise Team and a Choir. The worship service will last an hour and five minutes.
We recommend that you arrive a few minutes early, especially if
you have children. We have an
incredibly fun and engaging ministry for children from birth to 5th
grade! Our friendly and helpful
volunteers will be there to guide you through our check in process and
you will be given a security
"claim tag" for your children. Alternatively, you are welcome to take
your children into the service
with you. Children are always a joy to have in the worship service. We
also have a Family Room for you to enjoy the service with your young
ones where
they can feel free to move around. Greeters will be on hand to help you
find your way.
Dress as you feel comfortable. You will see everything from "church clothes" to jeans and sneakers
and anything in between. You will not be asked to stand as a visitor during the services. We strive
to make our guests feel comfortable.
Offerings are received in our service as part of our worship. While we are grateful to receive
whatever gift you choose to offer, we have no expectation of our guests to give. We are simply
thankful for your attendance.